Welcome to a safe space for

tall poppies to grow taller.

What We Do

Empower tall poppies to connect and support one another.

What is a

Tall Poppy?

In Australia, the term “tall poppy” has often been used negatively to describe those who stand out due to their success or achievements. But we’re here to flip the script.

At Tall Poppy, we believe that accomplishments should be celebrated, not diminished. We want to empower individuals to aim high to grow taller, and rise together.

Are you a tall poppy or aspiring to become one?

The time to connect and foster genuine, powerful connections with others is now. 

What We Offer

Social events


  • Ages: 20-30.

  • For Ambitiously minded young people who are 1) first or second-generation OR 2) of a minority background

  • Alcohol-free.

High school visits and workshops


  • Talks and workshops to inspire students to meet their full potential.